Post by Yul Kwon on Jul 10, 2014 21:47:59 GMT
1) Rob Mariano 2) Pass 3) Hayden Moss 4) Pass 5) Pass 6) Denise Martin 7) Pass 8) Pass 9) Pass 10) Matt Elrod 11) Pass 12) Pass 13) Pass 14) Pass 15) Wanda Shirk 16) Pass 17) Pass 18) Pass 19) Pass 20) Pass LIST (1 pick from first.......10 pick from last) 1. Katie 2. Teresa 3. Brian 4. LJ 5. Austin 6. Jay 7. Todd 8. Kass 9. Julie 10. Candice Imma have a confessional later tonight about me half-throwing this comp and what's happenin'